About Joshua Abraham

Joshua Abraham

Meta Readings and Subconscious Reprogramming

Joshua Abraham has been researching, lecturing, and demonstrating the phenomenon associated with the Psychic Arts since the 90’s. He has made a lifetime study of esoteric knowledge that aid him in his uncanny ability to discover unique things about you that no one else could possibly know. He has been an active reader for more than 20 years, travels, and performs readings at various conventions.

There are various times when people seem to find it particular useful to have a Personal Reading. These include:


  1. When you feel stuck in a rut, or directionless — the Tarot can be very effective at suggesting new directions you could be exploring, or what unfinished business you have that is holding you in your current position.


  1. When starting a new phase in your life — Some people like to have a reading close to their birthday, or other significant event, as they feel it is a time when they are moving on to a new stage of their life. A Reading may be able to suggest what changes are coming, what themes are going to be more important, and what directions you should be exploring in the next part of your life.


  1. When starting out on a new project – A reading can be very effective at suggesting what new factors need to be considered, what resources are available to you, what you may have overlooked, and what opportunities you may not have considered.


  1. If you are struggling with a part of yourself, or your life, and wish for new insight — A reading is an effective way of getting a new perspective on old situations, or suggesting what issues you need to address about your relationships, attitudes towards areas of your life, etc.


  1. When considering a major decision — You should not expect a reading to make a decision for you. However, a reading can highlight the most important issues to consider, suggest possible consequences of particular directions, and even suggest factors that have not been considered properly.


  1. When you wish to think more carefully about yourself — A reading can give you a lot to think about when considering your own personality, the decisions you make in life, and how you interact with the world as a whole. If you intend to spend more time considering your life and the way you live it, a reading can be an excellent starting point.

Please do not hesitate to contact Joshua for more details.